Yamanes Love Life

Yamanes Love Life

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Bring a little bit of chaos to the usual Japanese school in this incredible game! You are going to take the role of a cute school girl who just wants her love interest to notice her. However, her methods sometimes are more than questionable. Will you help the girl to win the love of her senpai, or will she lose the battle to her multiple rivals?

Participate in the school life

First of all, you need to take care of your reputation. The better it is, the more useful options become available to you. The level of your reputation can be seen on the left bottom corner of the screen and you can easily notice which actions make it better and which ones do the opposite thing.

If you behave normal in public, you won’t attract any unnecessary attention, and consequently, nobody will even think about the evil plans that you bear in mind. In addition, if everybody treats you right, you may expect help from your classmates. Just approach them after classes and chat for some time to unlock very profitable options.

Besides, the classes themselves play an important role in the project as well. As you are only a student, you have to attend them at least from time to time. In addition, they will allow you to improve certain skills that you can use later for some elaborate ventures.

Make yourself the only one

Anyway, your main aim in the project is to attract sempai and for that purpose you have to make sure that no one can stand between you two. Eliminate your rivals as fast as possible and stay innocent in the public eye to achieve your aim.

There are lots of ways to get rid of possible competitors and you are free to choose any of them. Some of them are more violent and risky and others don’t even require you being involved in the process directly. Select any approach and make certain that senpai will fall in love with you.

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